About the graphic novels: All this started years ago when I story-boarded my first short film, “Route of All Evil,” based on a short screenplay I’d written. My storyboard was mostly stick figures, but I enjoyed creating it, and wanted to continue learning to draw well enough that I could direct some of my screenplays on paper, which are these graphic novels.
None of these were done on computer, but strictly hand-drawn, pencil & pen, and like my screenplays & other stories (and me), they’re quirky & eccentric, imperfect and even a bit odd.
They’re homemade, kitchen-sink, book-length comics featuring lonely, obsessed, obscure, broken and/ or transgressive characters (and for now, at least, they most assuredly are not AI).
Anyway, I guess this is my way of saying that all the time spent on visual representations of these stories and all the details that go into how the people look, what they wear and their surroundings was a labor of love.
One thing I noticed as I was working on these books was that it made me notice much more closely the details of real life, which has influenced me in my fiction writing, and all for the better.
Oh—And they make great coloring books! :-)
“Uptown is not a place. It’s an attitude.”
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Queensgate, Book 2
When her cousin Zack shows up demanding Ashley return to Paris with him, Clayton suspects that they just may be on the lam, running from something that happened involving Zack's eccentric New Orleans family. Clayton and Zack despise each other, but Zack, watching Clayton and Ashley fall deeper in love, becomes resigned that he'll have to figure out how to put his fractured life back together for himself. Clayton meanwhile decides he has to get to the truth about Ashley's past before he can ask her to marry him, no matter what it takes, nor what it reveals.
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Sixteen year-old Junior Jordan has a talent for shooting at targets and a mad crush on his new piano teacher, Conrad. In Junior's hometown, that's enough to get a boy into trouble.
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Clayton (in trench coat) and Ashley (in a long coat embroidered with flowers) contemplate the absurdities of life. Sometimes I draw stand-alone pics of my characters just for fun. In this one I added color!